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dc.creatorDíaz Ramírez, Jenny-
dc.creatorZazueta Nassif, Sebastian-
dc.creatorGalarza Tamez, Roberto-
dc.identifier.citationDíaz Ramírez, J., Galarza Taméz, R., Zazueta Nassif, S. y Prado Sánchez, D. (2022) DoE y ANOVAs. [Excel]. Repositorio UDEM.-
dc.description.abstractThe massive incorporation of electric light vehicles (ELV) in the last mile delivery process has been identified as one the challenges faced by large Latin American cities in their agenda for cleaner and more effective public policy in logistics operations. In this paper, the operating parameters under which a company can introduce ELV as partial or total replacement of fueled cargo trucks or motors are investigated. This work uses the results of a last-mile distribution pilot test performed in Bogota that incorporated the use of ELV in a collaborative crossdocking scenario. The level of fleet replacement and the distribution cost reduction are estimated through a mathematical model that allows identifying the best route on a simplified network of a zone of the city, which considers the availability of bike lanes infrastructure. Designed experiments with multiple scenarios explore the effects of various operational variables on the costs, the use of e-trikes, and the use of bike lanes in two different lines of business: dry chain and parcel delivery. Results show that for densities under 10 customers/km2, the replacement by LEVs can reduce up to 44% and 53% the distribution cost per line of business respectively, and in more than 20% the travel distances. In addition, benefits of using e-trikes on bike lanes are observed in most of the performance indicators studied.es_ES
dc.format.extent18 páginases_ES
dc.publisherSan Pedro Garza García : UDEMes_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 México*
dc.subjectIngeniería del transporte-
dc.subjectPlanificación del transporte-
dc.subject.otherDistribución física de mercancíases_ES
dc.subject.otherLogística de los negocioses_ES
dc.subject.otherVehículos eléctricos-
dc.titleCharacterization of Urban Freight Distribution Networks with Light Electric Vehicleses_ES
dc.identifier.estudianteJenny Díaz Ramírezes_ES
dc.identifier.estudianteSebastián Galarza Tamezes_ES
dc.identifier.estudianteRoberto Galarza Tamezes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas

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Fichero Descripción Tamaño Formato  
Lij_Extremo_0.xlsx55.84 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLVisualizar/Abrir
R_kij_centra_LEV.xlsx49.6 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLVisualizar/Abrir
Model Python (1).py12.4 kBUnknownVisualizar/Abrir
Modelo PEF - TSP (2).gms7.88 kBUnknownVisualizar/Abrir
Untitled.ipynb18.49 kBUnknownVisualizar/Abrir
Untitled-checkpoint.ipynb72 BUnknownVisualizar/Abrir
Bij_Extremo.xlsx50.35 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLVisualizar/Abrir
di_cs_baja.xlsx10.06 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLVisualizar/Abrir
DoE_y_ANOVAs.xlsx1.19 MBMicrosoft Excel XMLVisualizar/Abrir
Model Runs.xlsx16.26 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLVisualizar/Abrir
R_kij_centra_MT.xlsx49.54 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLVisualizar/Abrir

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