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Tipo de documento: bachelorThesis
Título : Establishment of analytical methods for 3D neural cell structures
Autor: Lozano Flores, Ismael
Duarte Reyna, Leticia Erandeny
Tutor : Larraza Rico, Sebastián
Palabras clave : Tecnología médica;Biotecnología;Biotecnología;Investigación médica
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Editorial : San Pedro Garza García: UDEM
Citación : Lozano Flores, I. y Duarte Reyna, L. E. (2019). Establishment of analytical methods for 3D neural cell structures. [Tesis de Posgrado, UDEM]. Repositorio UDEM.
Código: 33409003186917
Páginas: 79 páginas
Resumen : The present research focuses on the use of 3D neural cell structures as resembling models of neuronal connectivity, to do so, during this study we employed cell models using Neurospheres (NS) and Cortical Organoids (CO) derived from human embryonic stem cells. The shape of these structures is spherical, which presents a problem specially when dealing with relatively big structures. This analysis could later be corroborated with Dr Cell, a program developed at the BioMEMS lab that can improve the analysis by the use of filters, thresholds, synchrony tests and spike bursts detection.
Cod. Estudiante : Ismael Lozano Flores 000337340
Leticia Erandeny Duarte Reyna 000503971
URI : http://repositorio.udem.edu.mx/handle/61000/3529
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Biomédico

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